Wednesday, 29 January 2014

When God Was A Rabbit - 4/5

I actually vividly remember when this book first came out. I saw in in a bookshop window and laughed a little at the bizarre sounding title, thinking to myself that I should check it out someday. Then I forgot all about it and never got around to reading it, for a good long while until it popped up on my Amazon homepage a few months back. This time I had a little money and I remembered reading some vaguely good reviews a while back, so I bought a copy and settled down to read. I deliberately avoided reading reviews and comments about this in order to avoid being influenced, and I have to admit, it was a nice experience reading a book for the first time knowing absolutely nothing about it. It's not something I get to experience a lot now, and it's pleasant. Spoilers and full review below the cut: