Wednesday, 11 September 2013

This is All: The Pillow Book of Cordelia Kenn - 3.5/5

I was recommended this book a while ago by a friend and regretfully it took me a very long time to get around to it. I was intrigued by the back cover description and it seemed like something I would enjoy, but between moving house, work, studying and keeping up with life in general, I didn't have a lot of time to read for pleasure for a while. This was the first book I picked up after about a month of not having time to read anything at all, and I'm glad it was - it was a breath of fresh air.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Paper Towns - 4/5

So I've already talked briefly about another book by John Green on here, but since I recently read Paper Towns for the first time I thought I should give it a once over on here as well. This young adult novel is told from the perspective of a young man named Quentin 'Q' Jacobsen and his adventures, particularly those concerning his next-door neighbour and estranged friend Margo. The book deals with typical teen novel themes such as love, insecurity and high school politics, but also looks into darker elements such as suicide, death and abandonment, both emotional and physical. 

Spoilers ahead

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

A Dance With Dragons - 4.5/5

I can't believe I finally caught up. I started this series with so much skepticism that I wasn't even convinced I would finish the first one, let alone finish all of them. So less than a year and five massive books later, I am officially 100% a huge ASOIAF fan and I can't wait for the next book to come out. However, before that, I still have this review to complete... as always, spoilers lie ahead so beware. This is also going to be super long!

Thursday, 30 May 2013

A Feast For Crows - 3/5

So after the life damaging experience that was A Storm of Swords, I had high hopes for the next book of the series. I was aware of the geographical split and despite losing out on some of my favourite characters because of it, I was optimistic anyways. In hindsight, I think I set the bar way too high for this book and enjoyed it less as a result. There were definitely less tears though!

Friday, 19 April 2013

DIY Couture: Create Your Own Fashion Collection - 4.5/5

Here's something a little different! I have to admit, when i'm not reading one of my favourite things to do is sewing, and I'm just starting to get into dressmaking (if any of you follow me on tumblr you've no doubt seen some of my recent attempts - I think I'm improving a bit?) with my brand new sewing machine. So when I saw this book being reviewed by one of my favourite fashion bloggers (the amazingly talented Stacie) I knew I just had to have it. 

Monday, 25 March 2013

A Storm of Swords - 4/5

In the third book of the epic series A Song of Ice and Fire so much happens oh my gosh. I'm not even sure how to review this, as I think this has to be the most action packed book of the whole series so far. I read it as two separate books as per usual for the UK editions, but I will be reviewing them both together so be warned - SERIOUS SPOILERS AHEAD. 

Thursday, 7 March 2013

A Clash of Kings - 4/5

In the second book of the epic series A Song of Ice and Fire the story really starts to change from the TV series that I love so much - and actually manages to be even better. Following directly on from the ending of the first book in the series, this novel follows the many characters through a multitude of events, both good and bad (but mostly bad, let's be honest, these characters have miserable lives).

The Fault In Our Stars LIVE! Tour Review

(photo credit goes to 

So this is a little different, but last month I was lucky enough to meet the fantastic John Green, one of my favourite YA authors and attend one of his book tour events for The Fault In Our Stars. It was a brilliant night and an all-round good experience, and i'd like to share a little of it with the readers of this blog.

This tour was to celebrate the lauch of The Fault In Our Stars in the UK, and it certainly did it justice. John was joined by his brother Hank who is his partner in the YouTube channel 'Vlogbrothers', a wildly successful video blog project which has been running for a number of years now. This particular night of the tour was in Manchester at an incredible location called The Monastery. No prizes for guessing what made it so great - it is in fact a real monastery,  which definitely makes it the first time I've ever sang along to The Proclaimers in church.

The night began with a few short speeches and a book reading by John, made wonderfully ironic because of the setting (if you're familiar with TFIOS you will understand - the event took place in the 'literal heart of Jesus' of the church!), and then continued with a whole host of fun sing-a-longs led by the wonderfully talented Hank, a Q&A session, question 'Tuesday' and finally a short personal meeting with the brothers. Everyone received a free signed copy of the book on entry and lots of other merchandise was also available - I treated myself to a tour t-shirt. The atmosphere was like nothing I've ever experienced - everybody there clearly loved the book and the author so much, and Vlogbrothers has built up a very friendly and close community over the years. Everybody felt like a long-lost friend and treated each other as such, and I am so thankful for John Green for bringing us all together and making this event happen.

The Fault In Our Stars is currently at #5 on the Waterstones Bestsellers chart, and a very well deserved place it is too. It is a book about life, death, sickness and health, and it will break your heart just as it broke mine, and you will consider it a privilege anyway. I recommend it 100%, just as I recommend John Green's other books. They are all beautifully written and will stay with you for a long time after reading. I am so lucky to have had the chance to not only read it, but also to attend this event and meet the brilliant author behind it.

There's only one thing I can say to end this piece, readers: DFTBA.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

A Game Of Thrones - 4/5

Having been a big fan of the wonderful TV series for a while now, I thought it was about time I tackled this massive series of books (no, literally - they are massive). A Game Of Thrones is the first book in the series known as 'A Song Of Ice and Fire' by fantasy author George R. R. Martin, and has been hailed as the next generation of  epic fantasy literature. It is reminiscent of a lot of high fantasy classics in many ways, but also puts it's own solid stamp on the genre and leaves an impression that is not likely to fade away any time soon.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Poll Results!

Firstly I'd like to apologise for my recent absence - It's been a terribly busy few weeks, but I promise i'll be around a bit more from now on. 

So the second poll results are in! It would appear that most of you reading this blog are big Young Adult lit. fans, which is entirely understandable, many of the best books I have ever read have fallen under that category. Close runners up classic literature and fantasy/sci-fi are also favourite of mine. Another thing I would add in though, under 'Something Else' is graphic novels! Some of those are really excellent and I hope to be reviewing one of my favourite on here quite soon... Anyone want to take a guess at what that might be? 

Keep the book suggestions coming, I'm currently working my way through One Day and The Pillow Book of Cordelia Kenn, so those likely will be the first crossed off the list. 

New review up tomorrow! 

Thursday, 17 January 2013

The Perks Of Being A Wallflower - 2/5

I am incredibly surprised at myself for not liking this book. I had heard nothing but good things about this so-called modern Catcher In The Rye (a favourite of mine) and was really looking forward to reading it, despite not knowing much about the actual story. Despite being able to appreciate why it is viewed as a modern classic and a well loved story by some, I just can't seem to enjoy it at all. 

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

The Five People You Meet In Heaven - 3.5/5

This is one of those books, and indeed one of those authors, that get hyped up an awful lot. Mitch Albom's first bestseller 'Tuesdays With Morrie' is taught in high school curriculum around the world and is one of the best selling memoirs of all time. This follow-up novel, released six years after 'Tuesdays', was an immediate success and has even been adapted into a TV movie. I personally like it despite the hype, and I'd love to explain exactly why that is.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

First poll results are in!

Hey! Just wanted to say that the first poll results are in and the clear winner is... The Perks of Being A Wallflower!

I'm excited to read this book as I've been meaning to for a while now and I've heard plenty of good things about it. I haven't yet seen the film but hopefully I will be able to after reading the book. I have the ebook copy on my phone and I will be starting it tonight, so fingers crossed, you should expect a review sometime in the next few weeks.

In the meantime though, the blog's poll has changed, with a new pressing question that I am dying to know your answer to - maybe give it a quick glance on your way?

Back to regular reviews tomorrow!

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Good Omens: 4/5

Good Omens is the result of two wonderful but fairly different authors coming together to create a fantastic comedy about one of the least comedic topics imaginable - the end of the world. This book combines Terry Pratchett's and Neil Gaiman's unique styles incredibly well, leaving a well written, amusing, occasionally touching and very enjoyable story. 

Friday, 11 January 2013

The Book Thief: 5/5

This is the first book I've reviewed on here to be given 5 stars out of 5, and I can honestly say it fully deserves it. This novel manages to be funny, heartbreaking, unconventional, exciting and horribly touching all at the same time, and is firmly in place as one of my all time favourite books.

This review contains some major spoilers with regards to the plot and characters - proceed at your own risk

Thursday, 10 January 2013

The Sun Also Rises: 2/5

Now if you aren't already familiar with Mr Hemingway, I will say this - most people tend to either really love his writing style, or really just not get on with it, and I fall into the second camp very firmly. Hemingway seems like an awesome man, his life story is impressively badass and he spent his life hanging out with some of the most incredible authors of the 20th Century. I just cannot get on board with his style of writing, and if you disagree with me on that point, you're probably not going to like the rest of this review very much.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Ten Thousand Sorrows: 4/5

A confession - my nana has some of the worst taste in books ever. Literally all she reads are things like Angela's Ashes and A Child Called It. I'm not usually a fan of horribly tragic autobiographies, but I read this one of hers a while back and it stuck out in my mind as being different to all the rest. I re-read it quite recently and decided that yes, this was a very good book.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Lady Chatterley's Lover: 3.5 / 5

Let's start the year off with an old(ish) classic. I was required to read this book as part of a University course on Modernist literature, and I have to say, I did quite enjoy it overall. For those of you unfamiliar with the story, this novel was written by DH Lawrence and published in 1928. It was the subject of a famous trial where it's publishers were accused of obscenity due to the sexual nature and abundancy of profanity contained within the book- they won the court case against them and the book's status as a modern classic was cemented. Like they say, any publicity is good publicity.


Hello! Welcome to Living a Literary Life, a blog devoted to all things fictional!

I will mostly be posting reviews of books I have read on this site, hopefully covering a good range of genres and various types of novels. I read a lot of books both modern and classic, so I'm looking forward to exploring more and sharing my opinions with everybody who cares to hear them. Poetry will hopefully get a look in sometimes as well, and if we're feeling cheeky maybe an ebook or two.

I will also be posting reviews of books I am still in the process of reading - these will be mostly for the larger projects so feel free to tackle them alongside me and let me know whether or not you agree with my opinions.

I always love hearing people's opinions and hope that some of you will enjoy sharing your own thoughts on the things I cover as much as I enjoy sharing mine.

